Happiest of Birthdays

Let’s face it, Mondays can be hard…like really hard. However, in the spirit of being more positive about my least favorite day of the week, I thought I would share some motivational thoughts to help get you through this gloomy (at least in Atlanta) Monday!

“Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life”

We all fall short sometimes and things don’t always go the way we envision them going. We don’t always hit our life/fitness goals when we want to and sometimes we cheat on our diet…but you know what? That’s okay! It’s all about progress. If we waited for everything to be perfect before enjoying ourselves and our lives, we’d never enjoy anything. I certainly wish I was further along in my fitness/healthy lifestyle journey; I wish I had started sooner, but I didn’t, and that’s okay. I will just take what progress I’ve made and remind myself that my self-worth is not linked to my dress size, or whether or not I think I look good in a bikini. I have tons of people that love me regardless of what I look like and how healthy I ate over the weekend! We’ll all get there eventually, let’s be kind to ourselves and others as we move through our respective journeys!

“Start each day with a grateful heart”

Goodness, I’m not always good at this one. I complain about having to get up for work and having to walk from the overflow lot in the rain to get into my office; but sometimes I have to remind myself that these things that I consider a nuisance, are truly a blessing. I am fortunate that God woke me up this morning and feel lucky that I even have a job to come to. I’m grateful that I have a car to drive and two working legs (and feet) so that I can walk from the parking lot into my office. Would I like to park closer so that I didn’t have to walk in the rain? Yes…but I’m lucky that I have somewhere to park at all. I am by no means perfect when it comes to being grateful, but I’m definitely trying to get better!

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind”

Life is hard, I’m sure I didn’t need to tell you that. I challenge all of you (as well as myself) to lift one another up instead of tearing each other down. You never know what people are going through at home and in their personal lives; show grace and mercy when someone is less than pleasant to you. I can tell you that I have been on the receiving end of unconditional love and mercy when I did nothing to deserve it and it completely changed my day. You know never know how your smile and kindness can help others; give it a try, I promise the folks on the receiving end will be forever grateful!


**Always remember that you are worth it! You are beautiful, strong, intelligent and deserve all the happiness that this world has to offer. Don’t let anyone (including yourself) strip you of your joy, smile and always remember that you are loved!**

20 thoughts on “MONDAY MOTIVATION

  1. This is such a great post, Brittney!! I used to hate Mondays too, they were the beginning of my extremely busy work week. This is great motivation. I think it also helps if you are prepared. If you’ve done things in advance for the week like make meals ahead, have your outfits planned and set aside, a to-do list. It would make me feel more like “let’s do this” instead of “I wonder if I would have to go to work if I broke a leg…”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You are certainly doing the right thing when you catch yourself, as you said, “complain” you start giving thanks for the things you do have. I use to hate getting up, for other reasons, so now when I wake up before my mind can go anywhere, I start thanking God. Thanking Him for ANYTHING I can think of. It has made my days so much better. God Bless you, great post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by!!! I’m definitely trying to get better with thanking God for all of the luxuries in my life! The reality is that I don’t have much to complain about, he has shown me so much more grace than I deserve; sometimes I just need a little reminder!!


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